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Knowledge base — Page 50

MySQL - how to install on Windows Server

Server preparation implies that you will create it (if you have not done it before), specify a ready-made image of the Windows operating system and link the license to the server. The result is the ability to work with Windows Server and connect to

Switching to another session and terminating processes in loginctl

We have reviewed the syntax and other important features of the loginctl program, now let's talk about how to switch between sessions and terminate processes. It is very simple to do this and you do not need to have specific knowledge. Next, we

How to find out user information and switch the process to loginctl

In previous articles, we talked about what kind of loginctl utility it is, as well as how you can find out information about the process. In this article, we will look at how you can view user information, and, if necessary, switch the process.

How to find out information about sessions in loginctl

We have already talked about what loginctl is and what its syntax is. Now let's look at how to view information about sessions. This task is solved with one simple command. It will not be difficult for you to view all active sessions and get

How do I fix the black screen in RDP?

While connecting to a remote desktop connection (RDP), users encounter a problem such as a black screen. Most often, this problem is due to the fact that the session has simply hung. You may have noticed that a session hangs when you can't log

Optimizing PNG in Linux

In the last article we described how to compress JPEG images. Now we will tell you how to solve a similar problem, but already in relation to pictures with PNG format. PNG is a very popular picture extension. The format was developed as a

Desktop wallpaper from Ubuntu

How do you decorate your desktop on a Linux system? The easiest way to do this is to use images that change the look of the workspace. We have already published images from Devianart, as well as a series of images from the Linux operating system

Why is it that Linux is preferable for programming

We explained why programmers choose Linux in our previous article, but why has it historically happened that Linux is a more suitable option in the eyes of developers? Is there one and the main reason why this happened? Let's talk about it

The main reason why programmers choose Linux

Have you heard that it is better to program on Linux than Windows? That's what many programmers often say. But why is it so? Of course Linux kernel based operating systems are free and open source. This is a tangible advantage over Windows, but