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Knowledge base — Page 37

Damn Small Linux distribution: what is its feature

Damn Small Linux (DSL) is one of the most compact Linux distributions, combining minimalistic design, ease of use and high performance

Tiny Core Linux distribution: what is its feature

Tiny Core Linux is a very lightweight Linux distribution that takes up only about 10 MB of disk space. It provides a minimal set of tools and packages, which makes it an excellent choice for creating simple or specialized systems.

ArchBang Linux distribution: what is its feature

ArchBang Linux is a lightweight and fast Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. It uses Openbox as the default window manager and has a minimal set of pre-installed software, which makes it ideal for experienced Linux users who need a fast and

How to make line spacing in Libreoffice

Line spacing in LibreOffice Writer allows you to adjust the comfortable distance between lines of text, which is especially important for creating readable and structured documents. In this article we will explain in detail how to change line

How to clear a MySQL table using DELETE

A table in MySQL in Linux is a structured data set containing information organized in the form of rows and columns. Each column has its own data type defined when creating the table.

A folder or directory in Linux?

If you are used to the term "folder" from Windows, then the term "directory" is often used in Linux. Unlike a folder, which in the real world is used to store multiple files, a directory is an index that helps you quickly find

How to clear a table in MySQL?

While working with a MySQL data table in the Linux operating system, a situation may arise when it needs to be cleaned up in order, for example, to free up free space and speed up the OS.

Search for files by content in Linux: ack and ripgrep

Using file search by content in Linux allows you to significantly reduce the time and effort when searching for specific information in large and complex file systems.

Fedora 25: Features, upgrade from Fedora 24

Fedora 25 is a Linux operating system created and maintained by the Fedora project community together with Red Hat. It is free and open to anyone who wants to use it or contribute to its development.