Most of the tasks in Ubuntu are easier and more convenient to do through the terminal. This is applicable in terms of managing the file system, various settings, installing applications. It is very important for the user to have a comfortable to read text that does not burden the visual system, so it is important to set a comfortable color of text and background. It is easy to change the design. Next, we will tell you how to change the color in Linux terminal using Ubuntu and Gnome as an example. We will also share how you can create multiple profiles and quickly switch between them (useful for daytime and nighttime).
First of all, start a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Shift + T on your keyboard. Open the context menu using the corresponding icon located next to the search, and then click on the item Options.
Next, go to the Colors tab. Initially, the Use colors from system theme mode is enabled, which automatically selects the appropriate design. Disable it to get full access to the settings.
Next is the Built-in schemes item, where you can choose one of several ready-made terminal designs. And then there is a manual selection of default colors and their variations. Click on the necessary item, specify the shade you like and press Select.
Using the Pipette tool, you can use the color of any point on the screen and apply it. It is conveniently combined with the palette located at the bottom of the window.
You can also separately adjust colors for selected text and background, bold font and mouse cursor if you activate these items.
The transparency settingof the terminal window is located even lower down. If you disable Use transparency from system theme, activate Use transparent background and adjust the bottom slider, you will get this result:
The final setting Bold Text Selection can also be useful. It makes sense to enable it if the bold text does not become uncomfortable to read. Now let's understand how to create profiles with different settings.
You canmake several color schemes, for example, light and dark, and quickly switch between them. To do this, click the Add plus icon located in the Profiles block in the Options window. Specify any name and click New to confirm.
Now let's go to the Colors tab and adjust all the settings to your liking. To quickly switch between the available profiles, just right-click on the terminal window, point the cursor to Profiles in the context menu and select the necessary one.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated. You know how to change the terminal layout in Ubuntu. Its design can be configured as you like, changing the colors of text, background and other elements brighter or, conversely, calm, so that nothing interferes with reading. And with the help of the profiles function you can quickly switch between different design options.