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Knowledge base — Page 52

Changing TTL in Linux

These networks are transmitted by packets. Packets pass through several other network nodes before reaching their destination to end up at the beginning of the destination's local network and then directly to the destination. It is not uncommon

Disk defragmentation in Linux

Every Windows user is familiar with the fact that there is a disk defragmentation. It is necessary for the hard disk to function quickly, and it is necessary to defragment the disk on which the OS is installed. The Ext4 file system in Linux is not

Finding the Debian version: all the ways

We have gotten used to having a new version of Debian every few years. When a new version is released, users usually wonder what repositories will work? What versions of programs will be available?

Changing user password in MySQL

When working with MySQL DBMS, it is extremely important to know how to change the user password. It seems that this task can be solved only if you have superuser rights. But even an ordinary user can change the password under certain circumstances.

What is LA (load average) and how it is calculated

During server monitoring, it is extremely important to correctly assess the system load. By understanding the level of load, you can soberly assess the performance and availability of the system. For this purpose, specialists usually estimate the

IPv4 and IPv6: What are they and what is the difference?

Internet Protocol is the most important communication protocol in the Internet Protocol Suite, which is used for routing and addressing packets for network devices e.g. computers, laptops in a single network or in a number of interconnected

How to work with BILLmanager API

API is a program interface that allows you to control any application through a set of commands and functions. For example, there is the Yandex Music API, thanks to which you can listen to music on the site. In our work, we use BILLmanager billing.

SSH key for server access: how to generate it?

SSH keys can be used to create reliable and secure connections to the server without any problems. The peculiarity of the key is that it is almost impossible to crack, which is not the case with the usual password. Hence the question arises, where

Remote desktop VPS: what it is, how to set up and connect

With the advent of virtual dedicated server VPS, users have new opportunities. But not everyone has an idea what remote desktop can be useful and in what cases it is invaluable. If we take specific examples, why do you need a VPS? There are many