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Knowledge base — Page 51

Linux desktop wallpaper for Ubuntu

How to decorate your desktop? The easiest way is to download and install a beautiful picture on your desktop, just a few minutes spent and your desktop is already transformed. Choose the one you like from our collection of images for Ubuntu.

Linux desktop wallpaper by Deviantart

Want to change the look of your Linux distribution? One of the easiest and most effective ways to change the appearance is to change the desktop wallpaper. To accomplish this task, you only need to spend a few minutes of your free time.

Where are the Linux kernel files stored?

The Linux kernel has been used in computers for 30 years. It is used on different platforms, hence users often have the question, where is the Linux kernel stored? The following answers this popular question.

Linux kernel Versions

In the previous two articles, we examined the features of the Linux kernel, its architecture, and the tasks it performs. It is also important to know. that he also has certain versions that have certain differences among themselves. Let's talk

Tasks that the Linux kernel performs

In the last article we explained what the Linux kernel is, now we will go into detail about what functional tasks it performs. The monolithic Linux kernel performs the most extensive range of tasks. The processing of incoming system calls takes

Linux kernel - what is it?

The Linux kernel has been used in computers around the world for three decades. Due to the fact that the kernel is used on different platforms, this solution is found almost everywhere, for example in PCs, smartphones, wearable electronics, home

How to configure DNS in Ubuntu

DNS servers are used to translate difficult-to-remember IP addresses into simple domain names. Why is this necessary? It is easier for people to memorize a single word than a series of numbers. When a PC needs to know the IP address of a domain, it

Installing Ubuntu guest OS add-ons

In some cases, you have to work in several OS at once. It is in such situations that virtualization technologies come to the rescue, one of them being VirtualBox. However, initializing the required solution into the virtual machine system does not

GAOMON S620 Graphics Tablet: How to Connect and Configure in Linux

With the coronavirus pandemic, distance learning has become the norm. This raises the question for instructors as to how to teach students the material as it was previously taught on the blackboard. If you take a graphic editor, just using a mouse