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Knowledge base — Page 43

How the ping command works

Surely you have faced a situation when the Internet on your computer suddenly breaks, such behavior can be observed when using ADSL modems, long distance Wifi, GSM and other similar unreliable technologies. You can quickly find out if your computer

What Less means in Linux

The less command allows you to rewind the text not only forward but also backward, search in both directions, go straight to the end or the beginning of the file. The peculiarity of less is that the command does not read the text completely, but

Du command in Linux

In some cases you may need to see how much space files occupy in a certain folder and find the largest files to delete. There are several tools to solve these tasks, but the simplest of them is the du utility. It allows you to display the size of

What the stat command does in Linux

Each file and folder in the file system has a so-called Inode structure where the metadata of this object is stored. It stores the owner, owner group, time of modification, creation and access to the file, as well as other information. It can be

Proven CPU-Z analogues for Linux

Sometimes there is a need to find out what components are in the computer. You can unwind the system unit and personally verify what is inside. But a more correct and faster solution

Deleting the Git branch

In order to ensure the development of various software versions, branches are implemented in Git. Branches are used to develop new functionality in the utility.

Text editors on Android

In order to solve certain Android users use a mobile device. Often for making calls, spending time in games, social networks, reading the news. Not everyone knows that you can also code on Android. Writing code on Android has been quite popular

Kona: Day One. What kind of game?

Not so long ago, the segment of games for Linux looked bad. Many fans of computer toys have installed Wine, tried to install games that were developed for Windows. Some failed to launch, others launched, but then struggled with crashes.

Installing Conky in Ubuntu

Surely every Ubuntu user has heard of such a system monitor as Conky. It is a free and free open source system monitor for Linux family operating systems