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Knowledge base — Page 25

Mounting folders in Docker

Mounting folders (or file systems) means linking or connecting a file system (folder or directory) to a specific location on another file system. This allows you to make the contents of one folder available inside another folder or even at another

How to make a connection to a container in Docker

A Docker container is a lightweight and isolated environment in which you can run applications and their dependencies. It uses containerization to package applications and all necessary components (such as libraries, configuration files, etc.) into

What are container ports?

Container ports are specific network ports that can be bound to specific services or applications within a container. Each container can have its own ports that can be used to communicate with the outside world or to communicate with other

How to launch a container in Docker

A Docker container is a lightweight and isolated environment that contains everything you need to run an application, including code, dependencies, libraries, and settings. It uses containerization to package and deliver applications using

Creating subdomains in ISPmanager

A subdomainA subdomain in ISPmanager is an additional part of the main domain that is created to host a separate website or service on the same domain. The main domain can be, for example, " ", and a subdomain can be

How to create a project in Docker Compose

A project in Docker Compose allows you to package and run multiple related services together. This can be useful when your application consists of multiple components such as a web server, database, and cache server that need to run together.

What is Docker Compose and how to install it

Docker Composer is a tool for defining and managing multi-container applications on the Docker platform. It allows you to combine several containers together and define all the necessary settings, dependencies and relationships between them in a

YES loop in Linux

A loop in Linux is a construct that allows you to repeat a set of commands or actions several times based on a certain condition. Cycles are widely used to automate tasks and data processing.

Hosts file: why it is needed, where it is located

hosts is a text file used in operating systems to communicate between domain names and IP addresses. It represents the local distribution of the domain system and allows requests to be redirected to specific IP addresses, bypassing conventional DNS