It wasn't that long ago that the Linux gaming segment looked bad. Many fans of computer toys installed Wine, tried to install games that were developed for Windows. Some of them failed to launch, others launched, but then struggled with crashes. After the release of the well-known Steam, the situation improved, there are interesting toys for Linux. Today there are more than 1800 games available in Steame. Let's consider the toy Kona: Day One, which can be installed by every Linux user.
Already from the name it is clear that it is a game of survival during one day. The player will have to play for a private detective Carl Faubert. He is in a town in Northern Canada to investigate vandalism reported by W. Hamilton, a local rich man who had problems with the locals. But an unexpected blizzard that comes to the town interrupts everything....
The protagonist will have to investigate all these cases, restore them in chronological sequence and not get confused in them. The action of the game Kona: Day One takes place in 1970.
Main character:
The developer of the game also indicated that Kona: Day One will be translated into two languages - English and French. Which is obvious, because the developer of the game is Parabole company from Canada. As you know, there are two national languages in Canada. Also there will be support for 5 languages for subtitles (English, French, Italian, German and Spanish). Russian language, unfortunately, is not yet available.
The system requirements are as follows:
Here now provides support for laptops with Intel integrated graphics, optimization has become the most important aspect in the development of the game.
According to the description and gameplay of this game - a decent shooter from the 1st person, which is viewed elements of a car simulator.
After installing the toy you will be waiting for a lot of action and puzzles.