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How to uninstall Nginx in Ubuntu

06.03.2023, 21:38

Nginx is a popular web server used to serve dynamic and static websites. If you have decided to remove Nginx from your Ubuntu server, there are a few simple steps to help you do so.

Step 1: Stop Nginx

Before uninstalling Nginx, you need to stop it from running on your server. To do so, use the following command:

sudo systemctl stop nginx

Step 2: Uninstall Nginx

To uninstall Nginx in Ubuntu, use the following command:

sudo apt-get remove nginx

This command will only remove the Nginx package, but does not remove its configuration files and dependencies.

Step 3: Delete the configuration files

If you want to remove Nginx configuration files, use the following command:

sudo apt-get purge nginx

This way you will remove not only the Nginx package but also all its configuration files.

Step 4: Remove dependencies

If you want to remove all dependencies related to Nginx, use the following command

sudo apt-get autoremove

The command will remove all dependencies that are no longer needed on your server.

Step 5: Verify the removal

Once you have completed the above steps, make sure that Nginx has been uninstalled correctly. To do so, use the following command:

nginx -v

If you get a message that Nginx is not installed, it means that it has been successfully uninstalled.

Step 6: Clear cache and temporary files

After uninstalling Nginx, it is recommended to clear the cache and temporary files to free up space on the server. To do so, use the following command:

sudo apt-get clean

Will clear the cache and temporary files that were created during Nginx installation and uninstallation. In conclusion, uninstalling Nginx on Ubuntu server is a fairly simple task if you follow the above steps. Don't forget to stop Nginx before uninstalling it and clear the cache and temporary files after uninstalling it.