In Linux, a service (or daemon) is a program that runs in the background and provides various functions or services. They work in the background and constantly perform their task without interacting with users. Services in Linux are started when the system boots and remain active until it is turned off or until a special command is executed to shut down the service
Restarting the service on Linux may be necessary in the following cases:
Restarting a service allows you to update and restart it to fix problems, apply changes, or simply update features.
To restart the service on Linux, you can use the systemctl command.
Open a terminal on your Linux computer.
Enter the following command to restart the service (replace "service_name" with the name of the service you want to restart):
For example, if you want to restart the Apache service, the command will look like this:
3. Enter your sudo account password if prompted to do so.
4. The system will execute the command and restart the specified service.
If you don't have root rights, you can use the sudo command to execute a command with administrator privileges. Also keep in mind that service names may vary across Linux distributions, so make sure you use the correct service name for your system.