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Cowsay - command line utility

19.08.2023, 23:18

Cowsay is a command-line utility in Unix and Unix-like operating systems that allows you to create cow drawings in ASCII art and output their messages. Cows can report any text information provided to them. The utility also supports various flags and parameters to customize the appearance and behavior of cow drawings. Cowsay is commonly used to add humor and personalize command line output.

How to use

It is very convenient to use for greeting the terminal. You can install the program from the official Ubuntu repositories with the command:

sudo apt-get install cowsay

You can use any other animal, the list of possible options is displayed by the command:

cowsay -l
Cow files in /usr/share/cowsay/cows:
apt beavis.zen bong bud-frogs bunny calvin cheese cock cower daemon default
dragon dragon-and-cow duck elephant elephant-in-snake eyes flaming-sheep
ghostbusters gnu head-in hellokitty kiss kitty koala kosh luke-koala
mech-and-cow meow milk moofasa moose mutilated pony pony-smaller ren sheep
skeleton snowman sodomized-sheep stegosaurus stimpy suse three-eyes turkey
turtle tux unipony unipony-smaller vader vader-koala www

Then, to select an option, use the -f option. For example:

cowsay -f dragon "Hello world!"