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Elasticsearch Search

20.04.2023, 01:35
Elasticsearch is a high-performance open source search engine that is used for indexing and searching large amounts of data. Elasticsearch uses a distributed architecture that allows you to store and process data on multiple nodes in a cluster.

Types of requests

The search in Elasticsearch is performed using queries that can be sent to the Elasticsearch server. Queries can be executed using the Elasticsearch API or using tools such as Kibana or Logstash.
The main types of queries in Elasticsearch are:
Query DSL is a query language that allows you to set search criteria and filter data. Query DSL supports many operators and functions to refine the data search.
Filters are a special type of requests that allows you to send requests to get a certain amount of data. Filters are used to set certain restrictions on requests, which reduces the load on the system and speeds up data search.
Aggregations are queries that allow you to analyze data and return it in an ordered form. Aggregations are used to process large amounts of data and provide opportunities for more accurate analysis and evaluation of data.
In general, Elasticsearch is an excellent solution for searching and analyzing large amounts of data, and it allows you to quickly and accurately find data in data clusters of varying complexity.

How is the search performed

Full-text search: Elasticsearch allows you to search by words and phrases in large volumes of text data, including structured and unstructured data.
Data aggregation: Allows you to create pivot tables, group data and read statistics for large amounts of information.
Distributed search: it can work on multiple nodes, which allows you to distribute the load and process large amounts of data.
Data Analysis: Allows you to analyze data, identify trends, evaluate performance, improve quality, and much more.
Monitoring: Elasticsearch can be used to monitor systems, applications and infrastructure to detect and solve problems quickly and efficiently.
It follows from all this that planning, designing and developing applications based on Elasticsearch requires designing a competent architecture and the ability to use the entire set of Elasticsearch tools and functions.