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Commands — Page 3

The ln command in Linux

The ln command in Linux is used to create hard or symbolic links to files or directories. A hard link creates a new name for a file or directory, pointing to the same index node (inode) in the file system

What does chmod do

The chmod command in the Linux operating system and other UNIX-like systems is used to change access rights to files and directories. Access rights determine which operations are allowed for a particular file or directory, such as reading, writing,

MC team - what tasks does it solve?

The mc (Midnight Commander) command is a command-line text file manager that provides a convenient way to manage files and directories on the server.

Linux commands for working with files

Linux File Management commands allow you to manipulate and manage files and folders in the Linux operating system. Different teams provide a variety of functionality that is often used in system administration, software development, and daily file

Linux terminal commands. Part 1

Terminal commands in Linux are commands that can be entered into the command line interface to interact with the Linux operating system. They allow the user to perform various operations, such as moving through the file system, creating and deleting

Search for files by content in Linux: ack and ripgrep

Using file search by content in Linux allows you to significantly reduce the time and effort when searching for specific information in large and complex file systems.

What is the NC command for in Linux

The netcat command is necessary for transmitting and receiving data using TCP and UDP protocols. It does not have a large set of functions, but at the same time it is enough to check the connection and simple debugging. How to communicate via TCP


Often when working in Linux, users rarely think about who owns a file. When it comes to running a server, however, the situation changes. To increase security, the server gets its own user. It is not uncommon for servers to use the same group, like

The more command in Linux

The more utility is suitable for page-by-page viewing of files in the Linux terminal. It owes its name to more, which appears at the bottom of each page. The more linux command is one of the most primitive commands for working with text. Its closest