The chkservice utility in Linux is a command-line utility that allows you to check the status and manage services on the system. When you run the chkservice command in the terminal, it displays a list of available services and their current status (started or stopped).
You can also use various options with the chkservice command to manage services.
For example:
It can also be useful for managing and controlling services on the system, such as web servers, databases, mail servers, and other services.
Additional information about the parameters and usage of chkservice can be found in the user manual or by running the man chkservice command in the terminal.
It is not standard on Linux. Instead, different utilities for managing services may be available in different Linux distributions. For example, in the Ubuntu distribution, you can use the service or systemctl command to manage services.
In CentOS, you can use the service or systemctl command, depending on the version. You can find packages for various Linux distributions on official websites or in package repositories.
You can install the utility in Ubunt using the following command:
In CentOS, it is installed by the command:
After installation, you can use the chkservice command to manage the services on your system.