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Instructions for adding a new user to OpenVPN

28.04.2023, 02:05

OpenVPN is a freely distributed software product that is used to create a secure and encrypted connection between two computers over the Internet. It is open source and supports various platforms including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and iOS.

Adding a new user to OpenVPN when using the “PQ| OpenVPN” script

The script is designed to install the basic functionality of OpenVPN that does not contain a web interface. The web interface is quite convenient, but it can potentially be a source of vulnerabilities or a sign that the server is being used as a VPN server.

The server is managed from the command line.

After installation. The executable file remains in the root folder of the root user . To add a new user, you need to start it.

At this step, you must specify the option number. In this case, this is the first menu item. Specify the number “1”

In the next step, you need to specify the name of the user you are creating. In this example, this is the user “client02”

The next step is to specify whether it is necessary to set an additional password for the user or create a password-free configuration file.

This is the final stage. The script will create a new configuration file /root/client02.ovpn.

The configuration file must be downloaded to your device and imported into the OpenVPN application.

Adding a new user to OpenVPN when using the “PQ | OpenVPN + UI” script

The script is used if you need a convenient web interface where you can download a configuration file or create a new user. After installation, you will receive an email with the address of the web interface and access attributes.

When you run the script, you can immediately set a password for the web interface. If the field is left empty, the password will be generated automatically and sent to your email.

After the script works, you need to follow the link from the email and enter the username “admin” and password.

After processing the script, the user “admin” is created by default. If you need to add a new user, click the “+ CREATE USER” button

In the dialog box, enter the name of the new user in the “Username” field. Come up with and enter a password. If it is necessary for a new user to be able to create users himself, select the “Make Admin" option. After filling in all the fields, click the “SAVE” button

You can download the configuration file of a new user by clicking on the icon with the image of a floppy disk, in the line with the user.

The configuration file can be imported into your OpenVPN client.