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Knowledge base — Page 55

Drawing a rectangle in GIMP

GIMP is a popular image editor that is interesting for its wide range of features, plus it's completely free. The only drawback of the program is that some of its functions are arranged in a non-obvious way. All this causes certain difficulties

Installing TWRP via Fastboot

TWRP is called a popular recovery menu for Android with which you can flash various third-party firmware, do root, system backups, restore your phone in case of problems.

Change the color in the Linux terminal

Most of the tasks in Ubuntu are easier and more convenient to do through the terminal. This applies to managing the file system, various settings, installing applications. It is very important for the user to have a comfortable to read text.

Unlock the bootloader via FastBoot

To connect your phone to a computer and control it, the adb utility is suitable. This is quite a useful command, but if you want to flash root rights, third-party recovery menu or other firmware to the device, you will have to unlock the bootloader


Often when working in Linux, users rarely think about who owns a file. When it comes to running a server, however, the situation changes. To increase security, the server gets its own user. It is not uncommon for servers to use the same group, like

The more command in Linux

The more utility is suitable for page-by-page viewing of files in the Linux terminal. It owes its name to more, which appears at the bottom of each page. The more linux command is one of the most primitive commands for working with text. Its closest

How the ping command works

Surely you have faced a situation when the Internet on your computer suddenly breaks, such behavior can be observed when using ADSL modems, long distance Wifi, GSM and other similar unreliable technologies. You can quickly find out if your computer

What Less means in Linux

The less command allows you to rewind the text not only forward but also backward, search in both directions, go straight to the end or the beginning of the file. The peculiarity of less is that the command does not read the text completely, but

Du command in Linux

In some cases you may need to see how much space files occupy in a certain folder and find the largest files to delete. There are several tools to solve these tasks, but the simplest of them is the du utility. It allows you to display the size of