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YES loop in Linux

01.09.2023, 22:13
A loop in Linux is a construct that allows you to repeat a set of commands or actions several times based on a certain condition. Cycles are widely used to automate tasks and data processing.

YES cycle

On Linux, you can use a while loop to perform repetitive actions based on a specific condition. The while loop format in Linux looks like this:

while condition


the command


An example of using the while loop in Linux:




while [ $counter -lt $max ]


echo "Condition is met, counter: $counter"

counter=$(($counter + 1))

In this example, the while loop will be executed as long as the value of the "counter" variable is less than the value of the "max" variable. Inside the loop, the echo command is executed to output a message, and then the value of the "counter" variable is increased by 1. The while loop can be used for various programming and automation tasks in Linux.