Don't miss the chance to improve your internet experience with dedicated proxies from PQ.Hosting! Enjoy a stable connection, high level of protection and free access to resources today.
Our proxies support speeds up to 10 Gbps, ideal for streaming and big data work.
Each proxy belongs only to you, which prevents others from using it and ensures high performance.
We offer proxies from different regions of the world. Choose IP addresses from the right countries to fulfill your needs.
We ensure high reliability and availability of our proxies for smooth and stable operation.
Individualized proxies with speeds up to 10 Gbps, access to IP addresses in the country of your choice, and 24/7 stability - the perfect solution for your needs.
Select a proxy in the country of your choice and get a stable, high-speed connection to get things done.
We guarantee that proxy IP addresses correspond to the selected country in official databases and are physically located in that country. We are not responsible for data in unofficial databases.
Please note that port 25/tcp is blocked.
Any illegal activity will result in your account being blocked with no refund.
Find the right proxies in your chosen country and ensure a reliable connection to complete your tasks efficiently.
Select the desired country from the list of available locations for your proxies.
Select how many individual IP addresses you need for your operation.
Select a usage period of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months - depending on your needs.
After payment, you will have access to your proxies and can start using them instantly.
The support works 24/7 so that you can use the service without worries
Don't hesitate to ask - we're always in touch!
A dedicated proxy is an IP address used by only one user. Not rarely it is called a private or exclusive proxy. All web requests of the owner go to the Internet exactly through a dedicated proxy ip-address. Dedicated proxy list is a list of proxy servers on one site.
Once allocated, this IP address is not available for use by anyone else. This gives the user full control over the IP, allows him to hide his web requests from all unauthorized persons. There is no risk of illegal and improper use of IP by others, which means that it is excluded from blacklisting and other security problems.
Data Center Proxies - have high processing power and increased Internet bandwidth. They have very good performance and maximum reliability for accessing web resources. A conditional disadvantage of such proxy servers is their high visibility.
Resident proxies - are given by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). They allow to provide maximum security. Web requests from them merge with organic traffic, almost not different from it. Note that a real resident dedicated ip-proxy can be found very rarely, since standard resident IPs are very dependent on the availability of IP lenders connected to the Internet.
First and foremost, these should include:
Higher speed. This is due to the fact that only one person uses the resources of the proxy server, and they are used only for him. The owner of a dedicated IP, in addition to increased speed, also gets much better bandwidth in the network.
Increased reliability. Users have full information and control over where and how proxy IPs are used.
IP address freshness. This means the guarantee of absence of previous IP blocking, blacklisting in the past.
Enhanced security. Dedicated proxy service provides more secure connections with minimized risk of data leakage.
Dedicated proxy service is ideal for the following tasks:
Managing multiple social media or e-commerce accounts.
Parsing web pages. This is especially true for sites with increased protection against bots.
Savings on shopping. Many people know about such a phenomenon as the dependence of prices for goods on the IP of the user's country. In foreign online stores, the cost of goods for Germans may be one for Germans, another for Kazakhs, and another for Russians.
Bypassing geographical restrictions. Some users may need to receive answers to Internet queries that are relevant to a region or even a country other than their own.
The main thing here is the reliability of the provider. An important sign by which it can be judged is the work of the support: how quickly it responds, whether it works around the clock or not, whether it really helps to solve the problems that the users of the address have? All this can be found out by looking at reviews of the company and, for example, by communicating with its customers in social networks.
Also, before buying a dedicated proxy, ask about the company's thoroughness and methods of checking IP addresses for validity, whether it offers the protocols you need, Russian proxies or foreign ones. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that an inexpensive dedicated proxy can also be of high quality. In most cases, you should avoid both super expensive and super cheap offers.
Start using our customized and fast proxies for a safe and stable online experience.